Like many schools, we’d tried a lot of different approaches to teaching spelling, with mixed results. Then, along came the COVID-19 pandemic, and standards of spelling took a hit. We needed an approach to teaching spelling that was simple, consistent and high-impact – and if it didn’t break the bank, that would be a welcomed bonus! Having spoken to many schools about their approaches, there seemed to be a general consensus that ‘raising standards in spelling was difficult’: there was no easy, quick-fix that teachers so oft en crave in the busy and oft en relentless world of educati on. However, the schools that were already involved with Active Spelling seemed to have different ideas. They asserted that standards of spelling were strong, teachers enjoyed teaching spelling and – here comes the big one – pupils loved spelling sessions! Attending an Active Spelling open morning indicated several things. Firstly,  that no teachers were going to be de-skilled with a pre-made, ‘copy and paste’ scheme. Secondly, this was rooted in theory and research, yet incredibly simple to implement. Thirdly, this was going to work. It was going to do exactly what it said on the tin!


Read the Full Case Study and Impact in the link below....