Appropriate Body Services

Appropriate Body Services for Lincolnshire

All schools that offer a statutory induction are legally required to have an AB for their Early Career Teachers(ECTs formerly known as NQTs.) L.E.A.D. Teaching School Hub, will provide AB services to meet the needs of Lincolnshire, across all phases and settings.
L.E.A.D. Teaching School Hub is proud to offer a strong track record of experience and offer:

• Named contacts within the Teaching School Hub, for all parties, for AB and ECF needs

• Points of contact partners across the Lincolnshire districts, otherwise known as our Lincolnshire Hub Delivery Partners

• Advice and guidance on the induction of ECTs

• Registration and monitoring of progress of the ECT as the AB and ECF provider, including reporting to the

Teacher Regulation Agency (TRA)

• Access to ECT Manager, a user-friendly online platform

• Provision of all paperwork for monitoring, supporting and recording of outcomes

• Making decisions on the outcome of statutory induction for the ECT

• Monitoring of ECT and ECT Mentor engagement on the ECF Programme

• Timely communication with ECT updates for both the AB and the ECT programme

• Giving advice where ECTs are at risk of failure and advising on appropriate support packages for the ECT

• Quality assurance of progress reviews and formal assessments, against the Teachers’ Standards

• ECT and Induction Tutor statutory induction information events

• Email and telephone support for ECTs, Induction Tutors and Mentors and assistance in planning additional targeted support and intervention, including onsite visits, when an ECT’s progress is causing concern

• Opportunities to build networks

• Access to up-to-date guidance documents

• A school visit, when appropriate



There are three different approaches to the induction of an Early Career Teacher. The level of checks will vary according to the route which your school has chosen, hence the variation in price. 

Schools that engage in the Hub’s Early Career Framework Full Induction Programme in collaboration with the Education Development Trust benefit from a unified offer. 

We are using a portal named ECT Manager to register your school. Please click the link to do so:


                   NOTE: Click on the yellow box labelled 'register your school' 


Please find copies of our AB newsletters. These are sent out via the ECT Manager platform:







Please find a list of all appropriate body service key dates. 


To book on to the Statutory Induction Information events please click here