NPQ Overview

NPQ Overview

About the reformed NPQ programme 

The Specialist and Leadership NPQs provide training and support for teachers and school leaders at all levels, from those who want to develop expertise in high-quality teaching practice, such as leading teacher development, to those leading multiple schools across trusts. 

The NPQ programme is part of a wider set of teacher development reforms which together will create a ‘golden thread’ of high-quality evidence underpinning the support, training and development available through the entirety of a teacher’s career. NPQs have been designed with teachers and leaders in mind using the latest evidence and can be completed flexibly around existing commitments. Study can last between 12 and 18 months, depending on participants’ chosen NPQ.

Discover how L.E.A.D. Teaching School Hub offers a variety of National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) as part of our core services. NPQ qualifications provide teachers and school leaders with invaluable opportunities to enhance their skill set, knowledge, and research capabilities, supporting their progression along their career pathways.


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NPQ qualifications provide teachers and school leaders with invaluable opportunities to enhance their skill set, knowledge, and research capabilities, supporting their progression along their career pathways.

In this video, learn about:

Purpose of NPQs: Empowering educators to specialise and pursue leadership roles.

Clear Development Pathway: A structured pathway for teachers ready to specialise or take on leadership positions.

Diverse Opportunities: A wide range of NPQs available to cater to educators at all career stages.

Consistent Feedback: Strong feedback received over years of delivering revised NPQs. Impact on Schools: Positive impact on schools, including shared language among teachers and improved teaching and learning outcomes.

At L.E.A.D. Teaching School Hub, we're committed to offering high-quality NPQ opportunities to educators across Lincolnshire, ultimately enhancing teaching and learning experiences for all students.

L.E.A.D. Teaching School Hub has selected TDT as Lead Provider for the design of materials for their programmes, and works in partnership with L.E.A.D. Teaching School Hub to support and extend our delivery offer.


About Teacher Development Trust (TDT)

Teacher Development Trust was founded by teachers in 2012, the Teacher Development Trust (TDT) is the national charity for effective professional development in schools and colleges. With support from CUREE, TES Global and Durham University, they have led the way in commissioning and publishing guidance around effective CPD, including the Developing Great Teaching report in 2015, which underpinned the development of the Department of Education (England)’s and the Standard for Teachers’ Professional Development in 2016. The development of this Standard was led by an Expert group Chaired by their CEO, David Weston. 

TDT’s work is underpinned by the key principles of effective teacher professional development and learning. Using a strong international evidence base of what constitutes successful teacher professional development, we are working with the entire education sector to promote the principles of good CPD. To find out more about TDT click here.

Our Lead Provider, Teacher Development Trust (TDT) has achieved Outstanding in their recent inspection as a lead provider for NPQs. We are thrilled to be working with them to deliver the National Professional Qualifications. The full report can be found here. 

To view all NPQs click here

Leadership NPQ:

NPQH - National Professional Headship

NPQSL - National Professional Senior Leadership

NPQEYL - National Professional Early Years Leadership

Please note, all handbooks related to each programme can be located at the bottom of each link. 

Specialist NPQ:

NPQLL - National Professional Leading Literacy

NPQLT - National Professional for Leading Teaching

NPQLTD - National Professional for Leading Teacher Development

NPQBC - National Professional for Behaviour and Culture

Please note, all handbooks related to each programme can be located at the bottom of each link. 

Please also find TDTs interactive flyer for all NPQs here

L.E.A.D Teaching School Hub will be offering NPQLPM in collaboration with the Maths Hub and Redhill Teaching School Hub. Please find further details here

L.E.A.D Teaching School Hub will be offering NPQSENCO through Teach First as our Lead Provider. Please find further information here

All of the NPQ programmes have been designed to work for you, and some common features include:


  • Local Cohort Groups meaning less travel time, and online self-study that can be accessed at any time and from anywhere, for easy access and reference whenever needed.
  • Tailored content through regular assessments and surveys and real-life situations so you can see yourself in examples which in turn support you to apply new techniques quickly.
  • Access to National Specialist Tutors for each phase and subject who will provide additional support throughout each Programme.


Targeted support funding

If you wish to apply for an NPQ for the academic year 2024-25 we strongly advise that you submit an expression of interest in readiness for the DfE application window opening later this term. To express your interest in the  NPQLPM and NPQSENCO please email

  • The DfE will fund up to 10,000 places in total
  • All state schools will be eligible for fully-funded places on the NPQ in Headship, NPQ for Early years , NPQ for SENCOs, NPQ in Leading Primary Maths and Early Headship Coaching Offer only
  • For all other NPQs, schools with the highest 50% of pupil premium pupils will be eligible for fully funded places, as well as early years and 16 to 19 educational settings identified as having high disadvantage

Please find further information regarding DfE funding here: Funding for national professional qualifications (NPQs) - GOV.UK (

TDT NPQ Programmes 2024/25


NPQ Programmes available





Early Headship Coaching Offer (EHCO) 




